Some thoughts and input about...making copies, etc
A. First I would like to let you know that I have a Dell Comptuer and its loaded with Microsoft XP Home Edition 2002. So what I exlain here is related to that system.
B. Expanding photos - There are photos of text that can be expanded by a double clicking the mouse. This makes it more readable.
C. Printing - You can print the entire document (21 pages) or individual sections by them selves. I was able to print documents by clicking on an item, then on the tool bar (mines at the top left of my computer screen) click on "File" and then click on "Print".
D. Special Note - The dates shown on this blog site relate to when the data was input and do not reflect the original document dates.
E. Errors and Ommisions - If you come across some typos, or something doesnt seem to fit let me know and I will address it. My wife tells me I am not a typist and I agree so its all my fault, but it can be fixed.